How to create Google ad sense account

If your are a publisher that is to say you own a website or blog
One of the major ways to earn income through you website or blog is Google adsense
This article is a detail guide on how to create Google ad sense account and place Google ads on your website page or blog

Simply type Google adsense sign up on your Google search, one of the first three site shown will be Google adsense sign up page click on the page and you will be taken to Google adsense sign up page where you be asked to enter some information which includes your email address, first name, middle name, last name, contact address, phone number, website name, website url etc
 The information you must pay attention to while filling the Google adsense sign up page are, your names which must be the same with the names you are using with your banks accounts, reason is Google will issue you check with the names you fill and once you create your Google adsense account successfully you may not change those information again so please fill in your correct data
Secondly your contact address is the address Google will send your checks to if you select payment option of checks and therefore must be your correct address
Also the website URL is the address of your website e.g.  http://Website     
Or http:// your blog
Remember to replace your blog name or your website name on the above example
Another challenge you may encounter is your email address if you have not sign up for Google email popularly known as gmail kindly check how to sign up for gmail on the link below and do so
After you have completed the Google adsense application form, Google will send you a confirmation email to the email address you provided in Google adsense application form. Ensure that you click on the link on the mail to confirm your application on Google adsense
After this stage, Google will now email you your Google adsense publisher identification number